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February Half Term 2020

SO, my lovely parents looked after our children for two days straight so that James and I could spend some time on site.

We employed Chris Strong and Ollie Price all week to carry on laying the geotextile/geocell and shifting soil, plus had some wonderful volunteers and visitors on site – Dave Curno (Friends of Ham Woods), Dean Bowles (Talk Shop Stonehouse), James Lankester (The Copper Pot Campsite near Cotehele), Majiec (Plymouth Parkour).

So much has been achieved this week, and yet it’s also PAINSTAKINGLY slow to move the soil. It’s very wet and very clay-like. Wheelbarrows are just not cutting it really so I think we’re going to need to get some form of light machinery in to help move it. If you can help with this, please do get in touch!

We’re still getting quotes for the refurbishment of the buildings and have been sending in funding bids, as the money we have is starting to run out.

Tree work has started, sorry to see a few go, but know that it’s for ‘the greater good’ in the long run and that the work we are doing will really enhance the site’s biodiversity once we’re going with it.

It’s getting there! If slowly!

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